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Marshmallow - Root

Marshmallow - Root

Regular price $11.00 USD
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Dried marshmallow root tea is commonly used an herbal tea made from the roots of the .

Dried marshmallow root is known for its sweet and soothing properties. It has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps relieve inflammation. Marshmallow root is also a great herb for coughs, soothing for the digestive tract and helps protect the mucus membranes for acid reflux.


Relaxant, nervine, demulcent, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and diuretic

Preparation Methods

Hot Infusion

* Add 1/2 teaspoon (1g) of dried herb to 1 cup of boiling water
* Cover with a lid to retain the essential oils
* Let steep for 5-10 minutes
* Strain and drink while warm

Cold Infusion

* Put 25g root or bark into a container with a lid
* Pour 750ml of room temperature water over the dried herbs
* Cover with the lid and shake well
* Leave overnight or for 8 hours
* Strain and store in the fridge or warm slightly to drink

Store dried herbs sealed in a cool, dry, dark place. Use as directed by a health professional.

Other Uses

Dried marshmallow root is especially tasty as a tea or in other food preparation, such as rice dishes.


Diabetes medication as it can decrease blood sugar levels.

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